My approach to bodywork is centered upon meeting people where they are, listening to what their goals are and designing sessions accordingly. My primary focus is always to help clients feel good about occupying their body, in whatever state each client wants to maintain. No judgment or agenda outside of a client's stated goals.

I believe the best work comes from a collaborative mindsight where curiosity and communication can create the most beneficial effects.


Before I became a practitioner, one the most confusing questions I faced whenever I was getting a massage was whether my goal was relaxation or something else. That something else, I discovered always seemed to involve a bit of pain but could result in really positive effects in feeling good afterwards (maybe a little sore).

I have found that many clients believe unless there is pain, there is no benefit and therefor are perhaps pushed into massage experience that may not be what they wanted. There are huge benefits to relaxation massage that dwell in mindset that the body is encouraged to enter a "rest and recovery state" and I am happy to discuss or direct you to the sources for this information.

However, some clients prefer a more intense style of massage that is more therapeutic in nature and want to feel deeper pressure, incorporate more stretching techniques and/or invite their bodies to function a bit differently.

Most of my work, tends to move towards finding a happy place between the two. I do not believe pain has to be part of a therapeutic approach. Ultimately, I think the best results occur when the client is free and able to communicate what they want, without judgement or agenda on the part of the therapist. So, if relaxation is the goal, let's make it happen. If deep tissue work is desired, we can do that too--let's figure out what feels beneficial.


I utilize a blend of techniques including the bread and butter relaxation techniques related to Swedish massage, designed to warm up tissues and just make the body feel good. My repertoire also includes myofascial, Trigger Point therapy and Deep tissue techniques as well. I will often incorporate hot towels and aromatherapy into sessions, along with hot stones. All available services in any massage. Please indicate preferences when booking.

I also provide a few extras that can be "add-ons" to a session such as mud or seaweed wraps for the back or legs, exfoliation with salt and sugar scrubs or warm oil scalp massages.

selective focus photography of pile of decorative stones
selective focus photography of pile of decorative stones
person holding amber glass bottle
person holding amber glass bottle
blue and white ceramic container on brown wooden table
blue and white ceramic container on brown wooden table


I am a native Oregonian and spent most of my life working in the outdoors. I have spent 31 years of my life as a wilderness whitewater raft guide escorting guests through some of the most remote, wild places that our amazing Northwest rivers have to offer. I am forever in perpetual awe of the power of outdoor adventures to deeply instill a sense of connection to nature, self and community to all those who seek it. It is hard to explain how much my guiding work and massage practice end up helping people in the same ways: finding a deep breath, feeling equally empowered and humbled by both the mental and physical selves we unearth and inspiring curiosity in how we connect with ourselves.

I divide my time between my massage practice, river guiding and running a small ceramics business as the artist out of our home. My husband, daughter and I share a wonderful home in the area, cultivating a big garden and enjoying the company of a precocious cat, two energetic cattle dogs and many chickens and ducks.